FeedSafe® is a program aimed at increasing the commitment of the Australian stock feed industry to quality assurance and risk mitigation in the manufacture and use of animal feeds. For a long time now, the SFMCA via FeedSafe® has recognised the need for a broader industry approach to feed and food safety that provides a lower feed safety risk profile for the supply to Australia’s livestock industries. Feed manufacturers are required to implement HACCP as part of their accreditation.
FeedSafe® has links with other industry QA programs and the SFMCA supports the programs such as those run by the Feed Ingredients and Additives Association of Australia (FIAAA), Australian Renders Association (ARA) and Australian Fodder Industry Association (AFIA). The SFMCA also works with the livestock industry peak bodies to ensure the FeedSafe® program meets their requirements in the supply of feed to Australian livestock manufacturers.
All full (active manufacturer) members of the SFMCA are required to comply with FeedSafe® to retain their Association membership. To obtain FeedSafe® accreditation, feed manufacturers are required to undergo annual site audits, these being conducted by independent third party food safety auditors. The central aspect of FeedSafe® is a Code of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), which has been developed in conjunction with the Chief Veterinary Officers within each state/territory, and the final document has Primary Industries Ministerial Council (now Agricultural Ministers’ Forum) endorsement.