Maintaining Your FeedSafe® Certification
Maintaining Your FeedSafe® Certification
For manufacturers who are renewing their FeedSafe® Certification – this section outlines the process for your annual compliance audit.
Steps to maintaining FeedSafe® Certification
Step 1
Complete an internal audit at least three months prior to your next annual FeedSafe® Compliance Audit.
Close any CARs identified in the internal audit; and review and revise the quality manual and records to ensure their systems remain current and are compliant to the current FeedSafe® Standards.
Step 2
A FeedSafe® Compliance audit can be conducted no earlier, or later, than three months from the FeedSafe® Certification expiry date.
Step 3
Within the following weeks you will need to contact a FeedSafe® approved auditor to schedule your audit(s) before your certification expires.
For scheduling extensions (e.g. unable to identify a suitable time), any required extensions will need to be discussed with the FeedSafe® Management Team. The FeedSafe® Management Team will update your Certification status to extended and provide notification of your extended expiry date.
For non-scheduling related extensions, you must provide a written request to the FeedSafe® Management Team who will consider your request for an exception or extension and advise you of the decision.
Audit costs are set at commercial rates by the auditors. The FeedSafe® Management Team does not involve themselves with contract rates. This is an issue between you and the auditor.
Step 4
You, or your representative/s, are to participate in the FeedSafe® Compliance Audit process by attending the opening meeting, desk audit, site audit and closing meeting with the auditor you have selected.
Step 5
The auditor records audit findings and completes an audit checklist and audit statement for your site.
The auditor will provide you with a copy of the checklist and statement and, where there are any CAR(s) identified they will also provide you with a Corrective Action Report specifying items for action. You then need to work with your auditor to close out all CAR(s) within 6 weeks of the audit date:
Step 6
The manufacturer will notify The FeedSafe® Management Team that an audit has been conducted and the status of your audit.
The FeedSafe® Management Team maintains the FeedSafe® Certification record for your site. The FeedSafe® Management Team will notify you of your FeedSafe® Certification status.
For manufacturers new to FeedSafe®, certified status is provided as soon as you have met all FeedSafe® Standards and Performance Indicators.
If your site has CAR(s) still to be closed out, The FeedSafe® Management Team will determine whether it can issue Conditional Certification. In this case Certification will apply once all CAR(s) are closed.
Your FeedSafe® Certificate will be emailed to you by the FeedSafe® Management Team.
If the auditor does not recommend Certification and/or the FeedSafe® Management Team determines that the producer is not meeting the FeedSafe® Standards and performance indicators and/or is not agreeing to and signing off on CAR(s), then Certification is declined. Manufacturers can contest this decision under FeedSafe® Certification Policy: Appeals/Dispute Resolution Process.
Step 7
If you have any questions about the process give us a call.
Contact the FeedSafe® Management Team
Phone: 0419 891 494
Email: contact@sfmca.com.au