FeedSafe® Panel
About The FeedSafe® Panel
The FeedSafe® Panel’s role is to make decisions regarding producer and auditor issues of non-compliance to FeedSafe® Policy and Standards and the integrity of FeedSafe® as a recognised program of high quality that adds value to manufacturers.
The Panel gives manufacturers, auditors and The FeedSafe® Management Team a place to go when they have concerns about audit outcomes, certification, FeedSafe® policies and other FeedSafe® related issues of concern. The Panel does this by directing an appeals, incident investigation and review process with administrative support provided by The FeedSafe® Management Team. The Panel’s decisions are final and independent of The FeedSafe® Management Team.
The Panel will:
routinely review the program, standards and policies and make recommendations for improvements for industry consideration.
determines the course of action where incidences of misconduct, non-performance of duty or conflicts of interest are alleged, or where other unidentified events of a critical nature occur.
makes decisions on incidences and situations that are outside the scope of The FeedSafe® Management Team and when decisions need to be at arm’s length to The FeedSafe® Management Team.
The Panel consists of six or seven specialists:
Two representatives from government either representing a north-south split or east-west split;
An independent specialist auditor (preferably with an intensive farming background);
One or two independent manufacturers (but not an SFMCA producer elected Federal Council Director);
A representative nominated by the SFMCA Federal Council, who serves as Chair; AND
An individual from the supply chain (e.g. a customer representative).
Panel members serve a three or two year term with options for continued service where they are available and invited by the SFMCA Federal Council. When a vacancy opens, The FeedSafe® Management Team, under the direction of the SFMCA Federal Council calls for applications from across industry to fill the specific role vacated. Applications and resumes are received, interviews conducted and a suitable candidate nominated by a selection committee to the SFMCA Federal Council for approval.

Chair - Federal Council
Qld Councillor
David is a Director of the Darwalla Group of businesses which produce poultry under the Golden Cockerel brand. Located at Mt Cotton southeast of Brisbane the operation is vertically integrated with its own feed mill and shared processing plant. David is also a Director on the International Feed Industry Federation and heavily involved in Rotary.

Vice Chair - Federal Council
SA Councillor
Kym holds a senior management role with DSM Nutritional Products and is based in Adelaide. DSM produces stock feed and additives for the feed milling sector and is part of a multi-national conglomerate based in Europe.

WA Councillor
Ross is the Operations Manager at Thompson and Redwood, a manufacturer of stockfeed in the Perth environs. Ross has been in the industry for over 30 years involved in mills in the eastern states as well as WA. He also has experience in pet food manufacturing as well.

SA Councillor
Ross is the Operations Manager at Thompson and Redwood, a manufacturer of stockfeed in the Perth environs. Ross has been in the industry for over 30 years involved in mills in the eastern states as well as WA. He also has experience in pet food manufacturing as well.

VIC Councillor
David is the COO of Southern Stockfeeds based in Foster, with a manufacturing site in Bridgewater-on-Loddon in central Victoria. David has a vast array of stock feed experience both internationally and domestically.

VIC Councillor
Megan is trained in Equine Nutrition and is currently studying her Masters in Marketing at RMIT. She is currently employed as the Brand Manager and Technical / Quality Advisor for boutique feed mill Green Valley Grains and the Marketing Manager of Eastern Distributors. Over the past 20 years Megan has worked at Kentucky Equine Research and has been an Equine Science Lecturer at NMIT.